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- How Are We Going to Provide Them Water? Evaluating Water Supply Strategies in a Complex, High Growth Environment
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 06/01/2007
- Publisher: AWWA
This paper summarizes results from a recent study completed by Johnson County Special Utility District (JCSUD) and HDREngineering entitled "Evaluation of Additional Water Supplies from the Trinity and BrazosRiver Basins", which identifies five potential future treated and raw water supplies in theTrinity Basin and three options for Lake Granbury's Surface Water and Treatment System (SWATS) system improvements, expansions, and/orpurchasing unused system capacity to provide additional supplies from the Brazos Basin.JCSUD is considering additional average water supplies of 5 MGD (10 MGD maximum).Although the study focuses on potential water supplies in the Brazos and Trinity River Basinsand associated planning-level cost estimates for system enhancements to integrate new andadditional water supplies into JCSUD's existing system (i.e. purchasing water, water treatment(if needed) and additional transmission facility costs), the conceptual approach and discussionof various water supply alternatives can be used as a decision-making framework for otherwater providers that are confronted with similar issues of increasing water demands in highgrowth areas, over-drafted groundwater supplies, water quality considerations, multi-basinwater supply management, and regional cooperation challenges. Includes 6 references, tables, figures.