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- Holistic Approach to Water Resource Management in Collier County
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 06/01/2007
- Publisher: AWWA
Collier County, located in Southwest Florida, continues to be a pioneer in the development ofalternative water resources. Having experienced high growth rates, the county has invested in acourse of action to utilize alternative water supplies, such as brackish water for potable supply,aquifer storage and recovery (ASR), irrigation quality (reclaimed) water, and conservationinitiatives to meet its water supply needs. The county updates their water and wastewatermaster plans every 3 years and is currently developing a reclaimed water master plan to keepup with the changing technologies and their growing needs. Over the past 2 years, the countyhas received $9.7 million in grant funding from the South Florida Water Management District(SFWMD) through Senate Bill 444 for their alternative water supply projects.This overview of Collier County's holistic approach to water supplies demonstrates howinnovation and planning, including change management, can respond to the growing watersupply demands from population growth. The overview is broken down into the following topicareas: potable water, reclaimed water, ASR, and conservation initiatives. Includes table, figures.