• AWWA ACE68556
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  • Managing Water Pipeline Infrastructure
  • Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 11/01/2008
  • Publisher: AWWA


Much of the water pipeline infrastructure is constructed of iron pipe. Consistentlyachieving a 100 year service life requires management of these assetsthroughout their life, beginning with original design and construction. Two highlyeffective tools for managing water pipeline infrastructure are discussed in this paper.A study of the mechanisms of external pipe deterioration and life-extensionapproaches for ductile iron pipe culminated in a risk based corrosion protectiondesign strategy for new buried ductile iron pipelines. This Design Decision Modelrecognizes various corrosion protection technologies for prevention of externalcorrosion on ductile iron pipe in soil environments. Example approaches areprovided with guidance for cost-effective, long-term solutions to ensure a 100year life.For existing pipelines, it is imperative that the remaining pipe life be known as adriving input parameter for repair, rehabilitation and replacement decisions. In theenergy industry which faces the same issues related to decaying infrastructure,a process of External Corrosion Direct Assessment (ECDA) is used for thispurpose. This same sound engineering approach, with some modifications, isdirectly applicable to water mains. Includes 17 references, tables, figures.

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