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- Get in Alignment: Sustainable Workforce Strategies Support Utility Strategic Direction
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 11/01/2008
- Publisher: AWWA
This powerpoint presentation has four sections. Section 1, Shifting BusinessReality of UtilityIndustry, provides a brief overview of the changing labor pool, challenges of infrastructure, degradationof critical skills and knowledge, sustainable operations at risk, and 10 attributes of effectively managed utilities. Section 2, Robbing Who toPay Whom? Howdo You Choose?, presents basic asset management elements, specific skills and knowledge for effective asset management, Asset Management Workshop on skill requirements, and existing skill gaps. Section 3, ManagingCompetingInitiatives Beginswith StrategicPlanning, presents topics that include: Strategic Planning Identifies the"Big Rocks" for Operational Focus; develop goals for Asset/Infrastructure Maintenance program; importance of sustainable workforce to asset management goals; external landscape trends and drivers; and, critical questions for the management teamto consider in the scanning process. Section 4, AssessmentsProvide Data forWorkforcePlanning, presents a four step process to build aworkforce development program that consists of the following components: scan, assess, plan, and implement.
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