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- Design and Performance Guidelines for UV Intensity Sensors
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 11/01/2008
- Publisher: AWWA
This powerpoint presentation presents an AwwaRF project on issues with ultraviolet sensors that included: guidelines and standards do not agree; commercial sensors do not meetguidelines;lack of consensus on key sensorproperties should be defined andmeasured; and,poor sensor performance observed inprior studies. Project approach was designed todevelop UV sensor guidelines and included:a literature review and vendor survey;European and North American fieldevaluation;measure properties of commercial sensorsin laboratory; analyze impacts of measured propertieson dose monitoring using intensity andCFD-based models; and,obtain stakeholder feedback onrecommendations. Guidance was developed withinput from UV vendors that included the following:vendors maintain 3 primary reference sensors tocalibrate working reference sensors;properties of primary reference sensors measured; total uncertainty of 5% or better;calibrate LP sensors using LP light and MPsensors using MP light; UV sensors have germicidal spectral response; and,reference sensors should have an independentreadout. Guidance included:field calibrate duty sensors usingreference sensors;use three reference sensors to minimizereference sensor uncertainty;wet sensors are not practical for referencesensor checks without special provision toeasily swap duty with reference sensor;control rotational orientation of UVsensors in sensor ports; specify lower bound of working range; and, final report gives properties for referenceand duty sensors defined to meet 20%reference sensor check criterion specifiedby UVDGM. Includes tables, figures.