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- Treatment of Algal Toxins Using Oxidation, Adsorption, and Membrane Treatment
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 11/01/2008
- Publisher: AWWA
This powerpoint presentation begins by providing background information on the issue of algal toxins in surface water treated forpotable consumption. The characterization of raw water is presented, along with treatability testing includingOzone and Ozone/Peroxide, UV and UV/Peroxide,GAC and PAC, Biologically Active Filtration, andNF and RO Membranes. Presentation summary includes the following:raw water toxinconcentrations highlyvariable; activated carbon canprovide about 50%removal at modest doses(10 mg/L PAC dose and5-min EBCT GAC bed);ozone very effective(highly pH dependent);UV only effective at highdoses(higher than typical watertreatment dosages);Biological Treatment -- 30% removal,not a preferred mode oftreatment; and,membrane treatmentprovided very effectivetreatment --95% removal under mostcircumstances. Includes figures.
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