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- Project Real World - Distribution: Improving Distribution System Operations through Modeling
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 11/01/2008
- Publisher: AWWA
This powerpoint presentation demonstrates the practical applications of the hydraulicmodel to operations of a water utility that result incost savings,innovation, or achange in the operational protocols.Two examples are presented, the first being Helena, Montana, that included the following:reviewed GIS geodatabase for missing data;created shapefile for model junction nodes and assignedelevation values;defined water consumption by parcel and distributed tomodel junction nodes; and,connected tanks, pump stations, pressure reducingvalves, sources (model reservoirs), and other features topipes and junction nodes. The second example was Columbia Falls, Montana, and included the following: issue - city wanted to know best way to operate pumpsduring fire flow event;analysis- Extended Period Simulation,and Fire Flow Analysis;determined- well pumps set based on tank levelsproblematic during high fire flows;result- changed pump on/off settings tosystem pressure, andimproved response time and reduced pressure dropat 1,500 gpm fire flow to less than 5 psi. Includes tables, figures.
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