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- Evaluation of Technologies for TOC Removal in Conjunction with Microfiltration on California State Project Water
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 11/01/2008
- Publisher: AWWA
This powerpoint presentation begins by presenting background information on the Lytle Creek Water Filtration FacilityPilot Study, and the sources of water for Southern California. Pilot test objectives wereto determine:what combination of the pre- and post-treatmentwill meet TOC removal goals most cost effectively;simulated distribution system (SDS) disinfectionbyproduct (DBP) levels for each treatment train;appropriate ACH dosage for inline coagulation;effect of MIEX pretreatment, floc sed, and inlinedosing of ACH on MF performance; and,collect MF, GAC and MIEX operating datafor final design. Methodology included:run each train at least 3 weeks;filtrate flow at 22.5 gpm (37 gfd flux);CIP performed between test runs; and,SDS DBP samples. Pilot test conclusions indicate that:condition #4 (MIEX + MF + GAC) haslowest O&M cost;MF with only post-GAC adsorption hasthe highest O&M cost;MF design is similar for all four treatmentoptions; and,0.1% HCl maintenance washes arerequired for inline coagulation. Includes figures.