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- Case Study: GAC Contactors for TOC Removal and Compliance with the Stage I Disinfectants and DBP Rule
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 11/01/2008
- Publisher: AWWA
This powerpoint presentation begins by providing a brief overview of the water system ofThomson, Georgia, and McDuffie County. Issues and challenges include the following:failure to comply with Stage 1 Disinfection ByproductsRule;failure to meet limits for Disinfection ByproductsRule (TTHM and HAA5) in Distribution System;failure to meet Total Organic Carbon (TOC)Reduction Requirement at Big Creek WTP;Disinfection Byproducts; and,formed by reaction between chlorine disinfectantsand naturally occurring organic matter in surfacewater. Strategies included:carbon reduction in the plant filtered water;improve coagulation/filtration;oxidant addition;additional treatment technologies;carbon reduction in the distribution system;identified areas of inadequate water use, includingflushing at low flow andchlorine booster where appropriate;reduced chlorine demand in system includingunidirectional flushingand use of alternative disinfectant that requires lesschlorine. Presentation results indicate that:distribution system improvements were in place;not enough DBP reduction;plants have been optimized to the maximum usingconventional water treatment;not enough DBP reduction;additional treatment would be necessary to meet theStage 1 DBP Rule; and,pilot testing evaluation showed GAC capable of highdegrees of TOC removal and favorable operationalcosts. Includes figures.