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- Maximizing Sorbent Life: A Comparison of Columns in Parallel, Lead-Lag Series, and with Bypass Blending
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 11/01/2008
- Publisher: AWWA
This powerpoint presentation begins by providing a brief overview of adsorbent systems that are increasingly applied to remove compounds inwater and wastewater. Specific adsorbents presented include:activated carbon;activated alumina; and,ion exchange. Methods,adsorption concepts, andcolumn configurations are presented, and presentation conclusions indicate that:mass transfer zone, C/C<sub>0</sub> target, and breakthroughcurve shape are key parameters needed to determinecolumn configuration with lower adsorbent usage;single component breakthrough curves can be normalizedto similar curves, and therefore have similar processselection diagrams; column configurations with short MTZs do not havesignificant differences in adsorption usage rate; C/C<sub>0</sub> target only becomes important at % MTZs longerthan about 60%; and,bypass blending with lead-lag columns at maximumbypass results in a lower adsorbent usage rate than twoparallel columns with bypass and configurations withoutbypass. Includes tables, figures.
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