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- Evaluation of UV System Design Using a Validated Lifecycle Cost Model
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 11/01/2008
- Publisher: AWWA
This powerpoint presentation begins by providing a brief overview of the Ultraviolet (UV) Design and Operational Simulation (DOSE) Program that is based onUV reactor validated performance models. The program provides increased ease and accuracy of UV system evaluations, including evaluating UV reactor design for conformance with projectspecifications, simulation of daily UV system operations,present worth analysis, andevaluation of UV system operational strategies. Alternative applications include the following:evaluate impact of alternative validation challengemicroorganisms (e.g. T1 vs MS2) on power savings;comparison of various operational strategies;identify and limit over-dosing situations for power savings;minimization of off-specification events;operation of more reactors at decreased power settings forquicker reaction time upon a critical failure;evaluate potential maintenance and operational situations; and,additional modifications currently being investigated for useby the end user to aid in management of active UV systems. Includes tables, figures.