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  • Case Studies in Mitigating Climate Change in the U.S. and United Kingdom Water Sector
  • Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 11/01/2008
  • Publisher: AWWA


This powerpoint presentation presents case studies in climate change. The objectives and challenges of the first case study include the following: to meet or exceed the California (CA) Climate Action Registry standards;why - CA AB32 requires reporting if >25,000 T/yr;challenge - tailoring to the needs of the wastewater sector;addressed by best practice from theCalifornia Climate Action Registry;World Business Council for Sustainable Development; and,U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Department of Transportation. The second case study examined United Kingdom water utility life cycle cost accounting. United Kingdom "mechanisms" for carbon reduction are presented, along with a "whole life carbon" accounting framework, stabilization goal for CO<sub>2</sub>e, Social Cost of Carbon, Shadow Price of Carbon orMarginal Abatement Costs, the whole life carbon accounting process, embodied carbon emissionsfrom initial construction and capital maintenance, and cumulative carbon emissions. A summary ofcarbon accounting for the United Kingdom water industry includes the following:the challenge is to provide new investment selection criteria,a full carbon cost to help drive lower carbon solutions;UKWIR projects provide standard emissions boundaries, estimationvalues, and a WLC accounting approach, to do that users can then check or build their own methodologies; cumulative emissions are estimated by adding emissions fromperiodic capital maintenance and 40 years of operation to emissionsfrom construction - timescales are important; and,whole life carbon cost is determined by applying DefraSPC, increasing damage rate and Treasury Discount ratewith sensitivity analysis. The third case study focuses on reducing carbon through hydropower upgrades at the Chelan Public Utilities District (PUD) at Chelan City, Washington. Two Sources of Emissions Reductions:upgrading the Power Generating Units;reducing water spilled over the dam;a fish bypass to encourage greater fish survival; less spilled water so that more water goes through the turbines, therefore more MWh.Project Analysis:baseline - 4,143,000 MWh, 40% of river volume spilled;project - upgrade to 5, 893,000 MWh, only 25% of river volume spilled;net - 1,750,000 MWh (turbine upgrade + 15% more water for generation);CO<sub>2</sub> - 0.40 TCO<sub>2</sub>e/MWh (zero emission hydropower displacing highemission carbon fossil power).Result:702,000 Tons CO<sub>2</sub> available for sale to the CCX;first tranche sold in Feb 2008 for $3.48/T = $400,000; and, price of carbon now ~$6/T, remaining CO<sub>2</sub>e value ~$3M. Includes table, figures.

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