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- Getting Creative with Public Outreach: When You Can't Just Buy the Mailing List
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 11/01/2008
- Publisher: AWWA
The final phase of the San Diego County Water Authority's (Water Authority) Emergency Storage Project willraise the height of San Vicente Dam by 117 feet to store water for use in an emergency or duringdry years. Construction is expected to start in 2009, but the Water Authority and its public affairsfirm, Katz & Associates, began reaching out to the boating community in 2005 to makesure they know about the closure well before it happened. The communication plan for theproject has evolved as the team began talking to the boaters and conducted research through aboater survey and stakeholder interviews. This paper outlines the public outreach and involvement steps taken by the Water Authority and itsconsultant so that other water agencies can develop similar programs. Although theproject team may not be able to reach every boater or make every community member satisfiedwith the project, the Water Authority feels it is doing everything it can to reach out to thecommunities impacted by the San Vicente Dam Raise project.