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- Preparing for Change: What Can Proactive Water Systems Do Now?
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 11/01/2008
- Publisher: AWWA
This powerpoint presentation begins by providing a brief timeline of the revised TCR/DSR, and presents an understanding of the new paradigm. Suggestions for reviewing your TC+ history and future TC+ events are given, along with TC+ under the new rule and E. Coli + / MCL violations. Distribution system issues, research reports and BMPs, AWWA Standard G200-04, AwwaRF #2875Distribution System Optimization Plan, areas Covered by DSOP, California Water Works Standards, components of water systemOperations and Maintenance Plan, AwwaRF #4109Criteria For Optimized Distribution Systems, physical and hydraulic integrity issues, water quality integrity issues, and future distribution opportunities are all topics that are presented. Presentation conclusions indicate the following: there will be ample opportunity to review yourutility Total Coliform Rule (TCR) history and how you might respond tonew requirements to TC+ and E. coli positivesample results;opportunities to review and adopt results ofdistribution system research projects and BestManagement Practices developed by the waterindustry; and,adoption of distribution system BMPs will eliminatefuture need for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to regulate thedistribution system.
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