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- Comparison of an Innovative Approach for Concentrate Minimization with Traditional Approaches for Zero Liquid Discharge
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 11/01/2008
- Publisher: AWWA
This powerpoint presentation presents the AwwaRF Report #3030, "Desalination ProductWater Recovery and Concentrate VolumeMinimization."Project goal includes the following:assess and investigatetechnologies to maximize recoveryand minimize concentrate volume. Phase I included technical assessment of 22configurations and technologies. Phase II evaluated a hybrid approach toconcentrate minimization at bench-scale. Bench scale experiments and modeling wereperformed to evaluate and optimize the hybridapproach. Four water matrices were tested to representdifferent brackish groundwater types. Concentrate treatment with the hybridapproach achieved 10% to 20% recoveryenhancement. Key assumptions were establishedfor the cost estimates. Costs were developed for three scenarios toallow a meaningful comparison. Presentation conclusions indicate the following: new paradigm in concentrate management - concentrate minimization;concentrate minimization makes severaldisposal options more amenable; hybrid configuration conceived andevaluated - RO, precipitation, ED/EDR; concentrate volume via hybrid configurationreduced by over 70%; and,hybrid approach is cost-competitive, likely lifecycle cost advantage compared toconventional RO plus brine concentrator or ZLD. Includes tables, figures.
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