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- Cost Effective Manganese Treatment Using Permanganate and UV Membranes at the Guajataca WTP, Puerto Rico
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 11/01/2008
- Publisher: AWWA
This powerpoint presentation begins by providing a brief overview of a 1.5 mgd submerged ultrafiltration (UF) membranefacility in Puerto Rico. Itssource water is Lagos Guajataca, PREPA impoundment. The finished water often exceeds secondary drinking waterstandard (SDWS) for manganese (Mn) of 0.05 milligramsper liter (mg/L). The objective was to:characterize raw water; evaluate alternative treatment processes for Mn; select recommended treatment process; and,prepare preliminary capital costs. Raw and finished water characterization is presented, along withcurrent treatment processes, manganese reduction / removal treatmentalternatives, recommended treatment method, andcapital cost estimate. Other recommendations include the following: institute coagulant addition (PACl or ACH)with rapid mix device; add self-cleaning strainer for raw water; and,determine adequacy of membrane integritytest apparatus. Includes tables.
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