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- Construction and Start-up of a 3.0 mgd Low Pressure Reverse Osmosis Plant for Clewiston, Florida
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 11/01/2008
- Publisher: AWWA
This powerpoint presentation begins by providing a brief overview of the City of Clewiston, Florida. Project background includes the following: previous water source - surface water from LakeOkeechobee treated by U.S. Sugar;major expansion for U.S. Sugar;surface water issues - taste and odor with algae blooms, inconsistent water quality, THM's and HAA's can approach MCL's,reliability issues associated with drought, andSFWMD control of lake levels,The solution was to use reverse osmosis (RO) to treat the Floridan aquifer. Plant design concept, construction, project cost, andstartup and performance testing are all covered. Presentation conclusions indicate the following: detail design was completed in 10 months and theWTP was constructed in 2 years;total construction cost of $20.2 million included thewellfield, the water treatment plant, and thedeep injection well;change order was less than 0.5% of theconstruction cost;plant was commissioned and performance testingwas completed in Jan 2008; and,the plant met all the specified performancerequirements (rated capacity and water quality). Includes tables, figures.