• AWWA ACE69015
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  • Cost Implications for Proposed Regulation of Water Treatment Plant Discharges
  • Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 11/01/2008
  • Publisher: AWWA


This powerpoint presentation begins by presenting the project goal:develop cost curves for residuals management atwater treatment plants.The experimental process included the following:determine residuals production based on plantsize, treatment type, and source water quality;use production to size residual managementfacilities;two engineering firms develop cost estimates forthe facilities that were sized; and,third engineering firm independently costs facilitiesto validate cost estimates. Summary of basis for sizing includes the following:Population Selection- selected to cover range considered by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA),three values selected in 10,000 - 100,000 population range,six values selected above 100,000, with maximum population of1,000,000 considered; Flow Estimates- from analysis of WaterStats database;average per capita flow found to be 150 gpcd;design - average flow ratio found to be 2:1;Residuals Production- solids production calculated for over 4,300 WTP records in ICRdatabase,high solids production defined as 90th percentile of productionfrom river sources,low solids production defined as 50th percentile of productionfrom lake/reservoir sources. Capital Cost Summary includes the following:the largest driver of capital costs forresiduals management facilities is thedewatering facility; and,pound for pound, it is less capitalintensive to treat softening residuals;however, softening plants generatesignificantly more residuals thancoagulation plants. Validation summary:validation cost estimates generallywithin 25% of cost curves;validation cost estimates generallyhigher than points on cost curves -consistent with the increased level ofdetail available in CH2M Hill's costingtool; and,validation shows cost curves do notoverestimate cost of constructingresiduals management facilities. Further information:results of the costing analysis werepresented in March 2008 Journal AWWApaper "Implementing residualsmanagement: Cost implications forcoagulation and softening plants" byRoth et al;analysis presented to USEPA in report"Costing Analysis to Support NationalDrinking water Treatment PlantResiduals Management RegulatoryOptions". AwwaRF Project #4086:the cost curves presented here and inthe Journal article can be used toestimate budget level costs for plantslooking to implement residualsmanagement: and,AwwaRF Project #4086 "MinimizingWater Treatment Residual Discharges toSurface Waters" will expand on this workto make it easier for utilities to estimatecosts of residuals management. Includes figures.

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