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- Is Nonmechanical Dewatering of Residuals Feasible for a 150 mgd Plant?
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 11/01/2008
- Publisher: AWWA
This powerpoint presentation begins by presenting a brief overview of a project at the Cleveland Division of Water (CWD) to investigate nonmechanicaldewatering in addition toother dewatering technologies for residuals management. A brief overview of nonmechanical dewatering is provided, along with three reasons the City is interested in residuals management that includeeconomics,environment, andsocial equity. Components of sand bed sizing are presented, including the following: theory; drainage; field plots; warm weather testing; modeling; and, cold weather results. Summary of findings includes the following:by partnering with industrial landowners,CWD could feasibly utilize sand dryingbeds for residuals management;sand drying beds may be suitable optionfor meeting CWD's triple bottom line; and,further effort required for negotiationwith potential partners and conceptualbed layout and designNonmechanical dewatering can meet allthree bottom lines. Includes figures.
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