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- More with Less: Water Conservation or Water Rationing - A Program Evaluation before Voluntary Conservation Becomes Mandatory Rationing
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 11/01/2008
- Publisher: AWWA
This powerpoint presentation begins by providing the study objective: topresent ideas, concepts, and policiesthat one municipal owner hasundertaken in the face of drought toachieve a 10% reduction in waterconsumption. The current situation of water resources in California is presented, along with water limitation impacts, and a brief overview of the City of Glendale and California's water sources. Glendale's Conservation Plan is outlined, and presentation conclusions indicate the following: water conservation is a legitimate andviable option;it is a shared responsibility by all(government, business, residential); itcan produce immediate, tangible results; it iscritical to raise the awareness to get thebuy-in of consumers; and, it is aconcept of conservation vs. water useefficiency. Conservation is short-term,water use efficiency is a behavioralchange and long term. Includes figures.
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