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- Emerging Technologies in Water Main Renewal Provide Low Impact Solutions
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 11/01/2008
- Publisher: AWWA
After a number of successful projects using pipebursting and close-fit lining technologies, the City of Calgary, Canada evaluated a number of options torenew a 300 mm cast iron water main on Spruce Drive. This assessment was carriedout following the City's Triple Bottom Line Policy of reducing the Social, Economical,and Environmental impacts on City-managed projects. The City selected Insituform Technologies Limited's PolyFlex process to line thewater main. Following a methodology used in 2006 to execute several water mainlining projects, the City and Insituform planned the project and executed it cooperatively,with City forces providing expertise in excavation and reconnections to the existingsystem.This paper provides a review of the project background, and the liner options that theCity and Insituform considered before choosing a tight fit DR 21 PE100 pipe. Itdiscusses the proactive approach to developing a staging plan for installation whichemphasized minimizing disruption to the residents and the area, as well as the selectionof fittings for terminating the liner and installing fittings. The plan included coordinationof access pit excavation by the City's construction crews.The paper also provides an overview of the liner installation using installation, using thePolyFlex process, and the City's installation of replacement fittings and systemreconnections. It also discusses the economic and social benefits of the project. Includes tables, figures.
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