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- Erosion Corrosion as a Mechanism for Premise Plumbing Failure
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 11/01/2008
- Publisher: AWWA
This powerpoint presentation begins by providing a brief overview of the three main topics of the study that included the following: theory and background of flow-induced failuresof copper pipe;test cells developed which can examinecavitation and flow induced failures; and,effects of water chemistry on copper erosioncorrosion.The goal of erosion corrosion experiments was to develop a method to test propensity of waterto cause copper erosion corrosion at point ofhigh velocity, and todetermine if water produces anodic or cathodiccontrolled reaction.Test method included the following:measure current/potential between a copperplate in stagnant reservoir water and copperwire surfaces.Phase I - successful development of the firstexperimental method that can test for effectsof water velocity and water chemistry oncopper corrosion, without impacts ofelectrification. Phase 2 - use apparatus to study erosion corrosionfundamentals in different waters and test the key hypothesis. Presentation conclusions indicate the following: cavitation damage is purely mechanical and cannotbe stopped by manipulating water chemistry;high erosion corrosion currents (60 µA/cm<sup>2</sup>) canarise from noncavitating flow;water chemistry controlled erosion corrosion - most significant effect was hot water at low pH, andeffect decreased with orthophosphate;in future experiments, we hope to determine howto control copper erosion corrosion. Includes figures.