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- Nitrogen-Containing DBP Formation during Chlorination and Chloramination
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 11/01/2008
- Publisher: AWWA
This powerpoint presentation begins by providing a brief overview of nitrogen-containing disinfection byproducts (N-DBP). DBP formation potential tests are presented, along with results that include the following: N-DBPs vs. chloroform upon chlorination; chloroform formation; DCAN formation; Chloroform/DCAN vs. DOC/DON; Aromatic Contents vs. DOC/DON; TCNM Formation; NDMA Formation; and, NDMA vs. Aminosugar Contents. Presentation conclusions indicate the following:chlorination; N-DBP (DCAN, TCNM) formation increased for NOMenriched in nitrogen; NDMA did not form upon free chlorine addition;application of chloramines reduced chloroformformation but elevated N-DBP formation;DCAN and TCNM (halogenated N-DBPs) formation didnot correlate with organic nitrogen contents; NDMA, non-halogenated N-DBP, formation increased forNOM enriched in nitrogen;both organic and inorganic nitrogen can contribute toN-DBP formation;and, further investigation using isotopes (N15 labeledcompounds) is ongoing to differentiate the contribution oforganic and inorganic nitrogen in N-DBP formation duringchloramination. Includes table, figures.