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- Full-Scale Large WTP Capacity Testing
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 11/01/2009
- Publisher: AWWA
This powerpoint presentation discusses a study of two water treatment plants, E.A. Fairbairn WTP and Sacramento River WTP, in the city of Sacramento, California. Project goals included the following: to determine "sustainable capacity" of WTPs, evaluating historical data,condition assessments, andfull-scale capacity testing; and, toidentify options for maintaining capacity and/or meetingdesired capacity. "Sustainable capacity" is defined asthe peak day flow capacity a plant can treat whilemeeting all water quality goals with one filter out ofsurface for backwashing, andthis capacity must be met 24 hours a day, 365days a year without special operational changesor considerations. Topics covered include: full-scale capacity testing; test preparation; capacity results for both WTPs; and, lessons learned. Includes tables, figures.
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