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- Challenges of Implementing a National Groundwater Monitoring Network
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 11/01/2009
- Publisher: AWWA
An important element of the federal Advisory Committee on Water Information's (ACWI's) mission involves groundwater data collectionand information dissemination. Many local, state, and regional entities collect groundwater data for specificpurposes or for focused studies. However, their methods of collection, frequencyof measurement, types of data collected, and analysis methods can vary greatlydepending on their needs and study goals. As more regional groundwater issuesarise and as data become more and more accessible, the need for comparabledata has increased nationwide. The few existing nationwide data networks aresparse and can have significant gaps in areal extent. The Subcommittee on Groundwater (SOGW) is a subgroup of ACWI that hasdeveloped and is encouraging implementation of a long-term, nationwide groundwaterquantity and quality monitoring framework. The overall goal is to provide animportant portion of the information necessary for the planning, management,and development of groundwater supplies to meet current and future waterneeds, including ecosystem requirements. Includes tables, figures.