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- Effect of Alkaline pH on the Stability of Halogenated DBPs
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 11/01/2009
- Publisher: AWWA
This powerpoint presentation begins by providing the research objective: investigate the impact of alkaline pH on theconcentrations of halogenated disinfection byproducts (DBPs). The experimental design is presented, along with a list of DBPs, the effect of high pH on chlorination TOX, TOX of chlorination of Br spiked sample, the effect of high pH on Br spiked TOX, and chlorination TOX distribution. Study conclusions indicate that: TOCl, TOBr, and TOI can be dehalogenated by base catalyzed reactions,The stability of TOCl, TOBr, and TOI is in the order of TOCl>TOBr>TOI; THMs and DHAAs can be formed by base catalyzed hydrolysis ofunidentified halogenated DBPs; THMs can be degraded by based catalyzed reactions, The stability ofTHMs under alkaline conditions is: Cl-THMs>Br-THMs>I-THMs; and, the formation of THAAs stops without a chlorine residual, degradationof THAAs is independent of pH values. Includes figures.