• AWWA ACE70669
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  • Putting Microspheres to Work: Validating Low-Pressure Submerged Membrane Filtration at the Erie Water Works Proposed 45-MGD Richard S. Wasielewski WTP
  • Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 11/01/2009
  • Publisher: AWWA


Erie Water Works (EWW) conducted an evaluation of the use of membrane filtration toreplace an existing conventional filtration process. EWW's objective was to provide filtrationthat will reliably produce water exceeding the Safe Drinking Water Coalition requirementsand prepare the utility for more stringent drinking water regulations, while providingincreased public protection against acute illness caused by Cryptosporidium. EWWconducted a pilot study with two different low-pressure submerged membrane systemmanufacturers, along with a log removal validation study for each membrane system, usingfluorescing microspheres as the surrogate for the pathogenic organisms. The Long-Term 2Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule (LT2ESWTR) requires that membrane filtrationsystems used for Cryptosporidium removal undergo a challenge test to establish themaximum log removal value (LRV) that a membrane system can achieve. While a number ofthird-party challenge tests for both products have been historically conducted, EWWrequested that additional testing be conducted at their facility as a demonstration.Following evaluation of various challenge test methods, EWW selected fluorescingmicrospheres as surrogates for Cryptosporidium for the challenge study. The basic protocolwas modeled on guidance provided in the United States Environmental Protection Agency(USEPA) Membrane Filtration Guidance Manual. The microsphere testing concluded thatboth low-pressure submerged membrane systems achieved LRVs greater than 5.3. Theseresults confirm that low-pressure membrane filtration will meet the requirements of theLT2ESWTR. EWW intends to proceed with full-scale design of a low-pressuresubmerged membrane filtration system. Includes 6 references, tables, figures.

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