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- Criteria for Optimized Distribution Systems: Project Overview
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 11/01/2009
- Publisher: AWWA
This powerpoint presentation begins by providing a brief overview of the need for optimization of water systems from source to tap. Partnership for Safe Water (PSW) has made considerable progresswith optimization of surface water supplies. The projectobjective was to develop a PSW-likedistribution system self-assessment optimization program that iswidely useful, with easily measurable criteria and minimal capitalexpenditures. The Optimization Pyramid is presented, along with an overview of the 4109 approach that included the following: literature review; utility questionnaire; expert workgroups; draft optimization criteria (Steps 1&2); beta review - Part 1 review by full workgroup, practical and feasible; beta review - Part 2 detailed review/application by individual utilities; expert workshop; software development; and, final DOSAC document.