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- Engineering Design of Water Treatment Process Units for Small Flows
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 11/01/2009
- Publisher: AWWA
This powerpoint presentation begins by providing a brief overview of Ontario First Nations Technical Services Corporation (OFNTSC) and the First Nations Water Treatment Plants inOntario, Canada. Small communities such as OFNTSC need to ensure drinking water systemsare safe, meet regulations and comply with performancestandards. Many small communities select proprietary pre-packaged plants and thewater treatment fundamentals (chemistry, physics) not clearly revealedby the vendor. The purpose of the design guidelines is toincrease the knowledge of First Nation administrators, governmentofficials, decision-makers and plant operators to build a strong pool of good designers,empower trainers and plant operators, andassist in selection of proper treatment. A summary of the raw water quality vs. (some) possibletreatment options is provided, along with groundwater process diagram, groundwater under thedirect influence of surface water (GUDI) process diagram, conventional filtration process diagram, membrane filtration process diagram, advantages of membrane filtration, packaged plants, process diagram of emerging technology, water feasibility study considerations, and selection methodology. Includes tables.