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- Ozonation of Phosphonate Antiscalants: Evaluation of Key Experimental Parameters
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 11/01/2009
- Publisher: AWWA
This powerpoint presentation begins by providing a brief overview of desalination processes. A 3-stage concentrate treatment research project is presented, along with the experimental design that includes antiscalant oxidation, and zone decomposition in water - with and without H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub>. Research objectives were to: determine the effect of water composition onphosphonate oxidation;determine the effect of pH on phosphonate antiscalantoxidation; and,determine the primary oxidation pathway forphosphonate oxidation. Conclusions indicate that: application of RO inland requires significant reduction inconcentrate volumes, and concentrate treatment is necessary toachieve smaller volumes;antiscalant oxidation increases when calcium coordinationoccurs, and the effect of calcium on antiscalant oxidation isdifferent for each antiscalant;antiscalant oxidation increases with ozone concentration;antiscalant oxidation increases slightly with H2O2 addition, andhas an optimal pH of 6; and,with calcium chelation, the primary oxidation pathway is throughdirect reaction with ozone. Includes figures.
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