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- Arsenic Removal by Adsorption: Investigation of Concurrent Uranium and Vanadium Adsorption and Implications of pH Adjustment
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 11/01/2009
- Publisher: AWWA
This powerpoint presentation begins by providing a brief overview of the Arsenic Rule and arsenic in the groundwater of the southwestern U.S. Water quality characteristics are presented, along with adsorptive treatment technology, and initial pilot testing results. Test procedure included:chlorinate water prior to treatment;reduce pH to 7.1 using sulfuric acid; and,test a titanium-based media (METSORB)and an iron-based media (Bay OxideE33) concurrently. Percentage removal of As, U, and V by both METSORB and Bay Oxide are provided, along with arsenic breakthrough curves for both METSORB and Bay Oxide, six hour leaching trends for both processes, six hour uranium leaching trends, and six hour vanadium leaching. Study conclusions indicate that: high pH, uranium, and vanadium complicatearsenic removal by adsorption;uranium and vanadium may compete witharsenic for adsorptive sites;adsorption of uranium can generate a lowlevel radioactive waste;pH adjustment with adsorptive technologyintroduces the risk of exposing consumersto high concentrations of arsenic and othercontaminants; and,pilot testing is essential to evaluate thefeasibility of an arsenic treatment system. Includes figures.
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