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- Assessment of Arsenic in a Municipal Water Supply in Potrerillos, Honduras
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 11/01/2009
- Publisher: AWWA
This powerpoint presentation begins by providing a brief overview of the town of Potrerillos, located in northwestern Honduras, and its municipal water system. Topics presented include: water consumption and losses in the distribution system; water quality issues in Potrerillos; water sampling plan; arsenic results; alternatives - no action, arsenic treatment system, develop new wells, and regional water system. Recommendations include: notify the public about the presence of arsenic in themunicipal water supply, and provide educationalinformation on arsenic in drinking water; utilize wells #1 and 2 to minimize arsenic exposure inthe lower zone of the distribution system, in theshort term continue to use wells #6 and 7 to meetwater demand; install individual water meters to encourage waterconservation; continue to explore the option of forming a regionalwater system with nearby municipalities; and, consider drilling a test well to investigate waterquality of deeper aquifers. Includes tables.