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- Watershed Impacts? A Utility's Examination of Land Use Impacts on Potential Emerging Contaminants
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 11/01/2009
- Publisher: AWWA
This powerpoint presentation begins by providing a brief overview of the City of London (Ontario, Canada), Elgin Area Water Supply System (EAWSS) and the Kettle Creek Watershed. Project objectives were to: study the land use impacts on contaminants of emerging (CEC)concern in municipal water supply;define potential sources of CECs in the Kettle CreekWatershed;determine if CECs are present in the raw and/ortreated water supply from EAWSS; and,gain baseline knowledge regarding CECs in thesource water for treatability and planning to supporttreatability. Study approach is outlined, along with possible land use impacts ofdischarges to the Kettle Creek Watershed, and possible land use impacts ofpotential CECs in the Kettle Creek Watershed, including: Pharmaceutically Active Compounds; Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals; and, Synthetic Organic Compounds. Preliminary results of sampling and testing are provided, along with water quality results. Includes 3 references.