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- A New Membrane Option: Comparing Ceramic to Polymeric Micro/Ultrafiltration (MF/UF) Membranes Treating California Surface Water
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 11/01/2009
- Publisher: AWWA
This powerpoint presentation begins by providing a brief overview of California Water Service Company (Cal Water), its Bakersfield (CA) District, and in particular its new South Bakersfield 20 MGD Surface Water Treatment Plant. Its water source is the Kern River via multiple canal systems. Pilot testing was done with 3 polymer PVDF membrane systems. Pilot phases and pretreatment conditions are presented and conclusions indicate that: all tested membranes met the pilot objectives:filtered water quality and 30 + days between CIPs; polymer-PVDF membranes recovered 91% and148% of permeability via CIP with sed and82% and 129% with direct filtration - ceramic 107%with direct filtration including periodic PAC addition; polymer-PVDF demonstrated 45 to 50 gfd flux withsed and 50 to 55 gfd with direct filtration, with sedcould have likely been higher, but not tested; and, ceramic demonstrated 107 gfd in Phases 2 and 3.Subsequent tests promising at 175 gfd even with100 mg/L PAC direct to membranes, verychallenging operating conditions. Includes tables, figures.
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