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- Minimizing Distribution System Annual O&M Costs and Improving Water Quality through Creative Finished Water Pump Scheduling
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 11/01/2009
- Publisher: AWWA
This powerpoint presentation begins by providing a brief overview of treatment plants and water storage in the Norfolk/Virginia Beach area of Virginia. Study objectives included: maximize pumping efficiency by optimizing pumping schedule during high demand hours, including reducing pump start frequency to reduce O&M cost andextending the life of the existing pumping facilities; and,reducing residence time in the storage tanks toimprove overall water quality. Study approach included the following: Extended Period Simulation (EPS) Hydraulic ModelDevelopment;Demand Patterns Development;Evaluation of System-wide Storage Capacity;Development of Optimized Operational Schedule; and,Verifications of Optimized Operating Schedule. Includes tables, figures.
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