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- Survival Rates of F-RNA Coliphages and Assessment of Exposure Risk of the New River Water at the United States-Mexican Border
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 11/01/2009
- Publisher: AWWA
This powerpoint presentation begins by presenting a brief overview of indicators of fecal contamination of groundwater. A study is presented of survival rates of F-RNA coliphages and assessment of exposure risk in the New River water in California's Imperial Valley. Materials and methods included: sample collection;detection of male specificcoliphages;detection of F-RNAcoliphages by genotyping; and,survival and riskassessment. Topics covered include: hybridization and oligonucleotideprobe selection; dot-blot hybridization; F-RNA coliphage survival; and, risk of infection assessment. Study conclusions indicate: natural condition showed adequateattenuation of microorganisms; variation was observed in the survival ofdifferent F-RNA strains of the four genogroups; coliphages could be better suited as models forhuman pathogens and can be used to estimatethe risk of infection; and, genotyping by hybridization and DAL methodused for this study are reliable tools fordetecting the microbial pollutants and theirsources of origin in water. Includes tables, figures.
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