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- Comparison of Dissolved Air Flotation to Other High Rate Clarification Methods
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 01/01/1991
- Publisher: AWWA
This paper describes the testing process to determine the treatment technology to be used for the South Central Connecticut Regional Water Authority's Lake Whitney Treatment Plant. The plant is be operated in a "flood skimming" mode, that is, the plant will operate at maximum design capacity during periods of overflow from Lake Whitney. Due to poor raw water quality (periodic high levels of turbidity, color, and algae) and low temperature, it was determined that a solids removal process prior to filtration would be required. Three pilot configurations were evaluated: high-rate plate sedimentation, Microfloc Trident adsorption clarifier, and dissolved air flotation (DAF). This paper describes the water quality characteristics monitored, the three types of solids removal technologies, and results. The results of the DAF study are discussed in terms of the effects of operating conditions and raw water quality on treatment efficiency; coagulant selection, flocculation, overflow rate, recycle ratio, and filter efficiency are discussed. The DAF method is compared to plate settlers and the Trident system in terms of coagulation, clarifier performance, and filtration efficiency.
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