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- Fate of Chlorination By-Products During Effluent Recharge: Implications for Potable Water Recovery
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 01/01/1991
- Publisher: AWWA
Southwestern municipalities faced with impending water shortages recognize the need to reuse treated effluent. Recharge and recovery of effluent balances out seasonal needs for nonpotable irrigation water. Also, when combined with soil aquifer treatment (SAT), groundwater recharge becomes an adjunct to standard treatment technologies, potentially leading to potable reuse. A major concern in SAT schemes is the fate and transport of trace organics during deep percolation of wastewater. This paper will review the results of a short-term study of fate and transport processes during deep percolation of chlorinated secondary and tertiary effluent applied to an instrumented pilot-scale test-basins at Tucson, Arizona, and discuss implications for potable water recovery.