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- Which Project Can I License and Build? Analysis of Alternatives and Wetland Impacts
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 01/01/1995
- Publisher: AWWA
The water supply project that will successfully navigate the maze of agencies and regulations is that which proactively approaches planning, involving key agencies and addressing key regulations early in the planning process. When there will be impact on waters of the US, consideration of Section 404 Guidelines for analysis of alternatives is essential from the plan-formulation stage through the final permitting stage for water supply projects. Considerable expense and delay can be avoided by thorough analysis of expected impact of all alternatives and thorough documentation of all planning and design decisions, by combining the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and Section 404 processes and by securing agency involvement and participation in the planning process. This paper points out several problems and offers solutions to overcome these problems when planning an environmental project.