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- Who's Doing What in Water Conservation: Results of the 1999 Benchmarking Study
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 01/01/1999
- Publisher: AWWA
As part of the City of Austin's efforts to update its long-range water conservation plan, Austin's Water Conservation Division conducted a national benchmarking survey of water conservation programs between December 1998 and February 1999. This survey was designed to collect a wide range of data regarding conservation programs, marketing, budget and water rate structures. Compiling baseline information, the results give a broad picture of water conservation programs nationwide. The objective was to answer the following questions: what methods are currently being employed to achieve water conservation goals; what are the types and magnitude of financial incentives given to different customer classes; and, how prevalent are these programs? The present survey (included in Appendix A) expands the 1995 Water Conservation Program National Benchmarking Survey. Modifications to the 1995 survey include: the deletion of benefit/cost ratio; percent of free-ridership; and, staffing costs by program type. New questions involved water budgeting rate structures, itemized budget categories, and metering of irrigation and multi-family housing. The survey was faxed to 47 conservation programs countrywide and was posted on the WaterWiser web site. 38 additional surveys were emailed to listserve inquirers. Overall, 34 surveys were completed and returned for a response rate of 49%.