• AWWA D120-02
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AWWA D120-02

  • AWWA Standard for Thermosetting Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic Tanks
  • standard by American Water Works Association, 01/01/2003
  • Publisher: AWWA


This standard describes the composition, performance requirements, construction practices and workmanship, design, and methods of testing thermosetting fiberglass-reinforced plastic (FRP) tanks for the storage of water or other liquids used in water supply service. This standard is limited to atmospheric pressure, vented, cylindrical and spherical tanks, installed either aboveground or underground.This standard is limited to tanks whose service temperature does not exceed 180 F (82 C) for aboveground tanks and 150 degrees F (66 degrees C) for underground tanks.

The service limits for environmental exposure and structural loads shall be determined based on tests of laminates that are determined by the engineer to be representative of the materials and methods of fabrication used in the tank. The second edition of this standard incorporates the following major revisions:
provisions for underground tanks; provide more comprehensive design requirements; modify test requirements to align with current standards; remove minimum hoop stress and wall thickness formulas for filament-wound laminates; remove Table 1- strength requirements for contact-molded laminates; modify chemical (environmental) immersion test media to be more representative of actual service conditions for tanks in the water works industry; and, add requirements for tank installation.

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