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- SCADA Validation: Reconciling Inconsistencies in Real-time Data
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 10/01/2003
- Publisher: AWWA
A new technique for validating supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) data from water distribution systems isproposed. This technique borrows from state estimation, where inconsistencies betweenmeasured and computed state parameters are resolved. The proposed Unified HydraulicSolver (UHS) data validation technique extends state estimation by differentiating betweenwhite noise and gross errors. Measurements are systematically excluded from the UHSformulation, thereby allowing the detection of gross errors. This approach clearlyoutperforms state estimation when gross errors are present in the pseudo-measurementsof demand. The UHS data validation technique is demonstrated by application to a waterdistribution network. Includes 8 references, tables, figure.
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