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- What Is the Quality of My Water? Answering the Public When Multiple Sources Are Involved
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 11/01/2008
- Publisher: AWWA
This powerpoint presentation begins by providing a brief overview of the Madison Water Utility Project Study in Madison, Wisconsin.Key project drivers included the following: Safe Drinking Water Act Amendments; media coverage of quality issues; and,stewardship to public concern.Project description includessupply movement and distribution system modeling,attribution of model output to customer addresses, anddevelopment of a confidence boosting delivery vehicle. Presentation conclusions indicate the following: method of delivery plays a strong role supportingconfidence in the utility's relationship with theconsumer;can the delivery method help reduce overhead costsassociated with customer service;understanding the supply movement through adistribution system served by multiple sources isinvaluable; and,limitations of modeling and geographic information system (GIS) applications need tobe understood and approaches developed to addressthese. Includes tables, figures.