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- Improving Distribution System Water Quality: DSOP Lessons from the City of Clearwater
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 11/01/2008
- Publisher: AWWA
This powerpoint presentation begins by providing a brief overview of the City of Clearwater's (Florida) utilities and the focus on its distribution system inanticipation of new drinking water regulations. A Distribution System Water QualityOptimization Plan (DSOP) that addresses theCity's concerns is presented along with the following objectives: evaluate O&M practices and effect on water quality;compare practices to industry Best Management Practices (BMPs);prioritize and estimate costs for improvements; and,develop a Roadmap for Implementation. The basis for Clearwater's DSOP came from theAwwaRF Tailored Collaboration Project (#2875), "Development of Distribution System Water QualityOptimization Plans." Five steps in the DSOP development are presented, along with top recommendations.
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