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- The Use of Inhibitors to Control Copper Release in a Changing Water Quality Environment
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 11/01/2009
- Publisher: AWWA
Tampa Bay Water (TBW) is a regional water supplier in Florida that serves nearly twomillion consumers at a 250 MGD average daily demand. TBW hashistorically used groundwater for its drinking water source; however, alternative sources likesurface and desalinated water are also utilized to reduce sole dependency on groundwater and limitwithdrawals to protect the aquifers. The impact of new source waters and their blends on waterquality changes was previously evaluated under a tailored collaboration project (TCP) conducted bythe University of Central Florida (UCF) and funded by TBW and WRF (then AwwaRF).Prior research using blended waters had identified conflicting objectives for control of ironand copper. Operation with a blend that is enriched in groundwater, with an associated elevatedalkalinity, would be desirable to mitigate red water problems associated with release of iron fromunlined cast iron and galvanized iron pipe materials. Unfortunately, the elevated alkalinity alsocreates compliance problems for copper. This study evaluated the corrosion control strategies of pHelevation and inhibitor addition to determine whether the feasible operating domain for alkalinityand thus, blend composition, could be expanded without violation of secondary standards for iron(or apparent color) or the copper action level. Prior to this study, the system effects of corrosioninhibitors on the regional distribution of varying water quality were unknown. Includes 13 references, tables, figures.