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- Optimizing Fast-Track Facility Delivery Through Owner-Guided Design/Build
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 01/01/1999
- Publisher: AWWA
The Indiana-American Water Company consists of seventeen separate water supplysystems serving 18 communities in the State of Indiana, with some of the largestbeing Kokomo, Muncie, Richmond, Terre Haute, Jeffersonville and Greenwood. Thetotal state-wide customer base includes approximately 170,000 households. During1993, the Indiana-American Water Company acquired the resources of the IndianaCities Water Corporation. As a result of this acquisition, new water suppliesbegan to be developed to insure that reliable water service would be available tothe systems in Indiana. Due to rapid growth and increasing water demands inseveral former Indiana Cities systems, it was deemed necessary to utilize afast-track, design/build method for the simultaneous construction of three watertreatment plants in Johnson, Montgomery and Hamilton Counties as part of theCentral Indiana Systems Improvement Project. This design/build facility deliverymethod proved essential in quickly and economically increasing the systemcapacities of those communities where the existing systems were at, or near,their rated design capacities. Due to the uniformity in much of central Indiana'sgroundwater supplies, the three groundwater treatment plants are very similar indesign. The plants are 3.0 to 6.0 million gallons per day capacity, iron andmanganese removal plants, outfitted with induced draft aerators, chemicaloxidation systems, pressure filters, distributive pumps, chlorine disinfectionand fluoridation systems. The Hamilton and Montgomery County plants haveemergency generators; and the Montgomery County facility also housesadministrative offices and a distribution vehicle garage. All of the plants havethe latest instrumentation, control and telemetry technologies, which allow themto function by either on-site or remote computer interfaces. Using an innovativefast-track, design/build delivery process termed "owner-guided design/build,"these projects were successfully designed, permitted and constructed in a16-month period from March 1996 to June 1997. A number of highly effectiveproject management, contracting and partnering techniques were used to accomplishthese results, and are described in this paper from the owner's, designer's andbuilder's perspectives. Includes figures.