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- Getting the Equipment the Owner (Not the Contractor) Wants at a Competitive Price: Pre-bidding Emerging Technologies
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 01/01/1999
- Publisher: AWWA
Motts Run Water Treatment Plant, a 12 million gallons per day (MGD) (expandableto 24 MGD) water filtration plant, is under construction in Spotsylvania County,Virginia. It will use the Rappahannock River, the existing Motts Run Reservoir,and the future Hunting Run Reservoir as sources to supply the County and the Cityof Fredericksburg. During the final design stage, the owner and engineerdetermined that selection of the most cost effective clarification equipmentoption would depend on the bid prices between two differing, but technicallysuitable technologies. One is a system supplied by a locally established firmwith equipment in current operation in the County. The other is an emergingtechnology with potential for significant capital and operational cost savings,but not in operation in the United States. The question was how to allow theCounty to competitively bid the two equipment packages to capture the best value,within legal guidelines, avoid the owner headaches associated with directpre-purchase, and specify for the contractor fully detailed biddable final designdrawings. This paper describes the methodology used to solicit contractuallybinding cost proposals, with warranties, without execution of a directpre-purchase contract; the evaluation and selection procedures; assignment of thepre-bid package to the contractor; the problems encountered; and the outcome.Early in the process, the owner and design engineer liked the selected strategyso well, that they decided to procure the plant instrumentation and controlpackage in the same manner. Political end-run attempts and potential sub-contractdisputes involving indemnity and warranty were successfully resolved. Includes tables.
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