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- Selecting the Right Time to Rehabilitate/Replace Water Treatment Plant Infrastructure: Philadelphia's Strategic Plan for Avoiding Catastrophic Failure
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 01/01/1999
- Publisher: AWWA
Many of the water treatment plants in the United States were constructed duringthe 1950s and 1960s and their components are approaching the end of theirexpected service lives. Water treatment plant managers need to know how longcertain components are expected to last in order to make sound decisions aboutthe allocation of funds. To create a successful, long-term Capital ProjectSchedule, the Philadelphia Water Department of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, hasbegun a pilot Capital Facilities Assessment Program, which identifies inspectionand testing protocols for critical infrastructure at the Department's water andwastewater treatment facilities and pumping stations. This paper discussesPhiladelphia's Assessment Program and its application at the Queen Lane WaterTreatment Plant.