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- Issues in the Development of Electronic O&M Manuals
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 01/01/1999
- Publisher: AWWA
Operations and maintenance (O&M) manuals have long been used for organizing andpresenting information relevant to operating and maintaining water and wastewaterinfrastructure. The content of paper-based O&M manuals has been historicallylimited to text describing basic configuration and design criteria and operationand maintainance procedures. Text in paper-based manuals is usually augmentedwith select graphical images such as schematic diagrams, key plans and isometricviews. Electronic O&M manuals offer a means of expanding the amount ofinformation. However, if not properly implemented, they can suffer from many ofthe same shortcomings as paper-based manuals. This paper describes the elementsof an electronic O&M manual, discusses various issues that must be consideredwhen developing a robust installation, and evaluates implementationconsiderations.
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