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- Automation Strategies for Unattended Water Treatment Plant Operation; OUC's Water Project 2000 Experience
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 01/01/1999
- Publisher: AWWA
The Orlando Utilities Commission (OUC) provides water and electric service tonearly 90,000 residential customers and to more than 10,000 commercial andindustrial customers within a 244-square-mile service area encompassing the Cityof Orlando and portions of Orange County, Florida. Capacity growth and a changein treatment process have prompted OUC to move from remote operation of its 11water treatment plants to automated operation of its facilities. As part of aninfrastructure modernization effort, a Facility Automation and InformationManagement (FAIM) system has been implemented. This paper discusses OUC'sexperience with the following criteria associated with infrastructuremoderization: determining automation criteria for unattended treatment plantoperation; defining the technical implementation; and, reviewing successes andfailures. Includes tables, figures.